Malathi Ganesh's Cookingcrest-Aroma Of Indian Spices

Cookingcrest is a spce where one can find simple, healthy
and traditional recipes, baby foods, health benefits,
comparative studies of healthy ingredients,one pot meal, 5
ingredient recipes

  • Rated2.3/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

√ Moist & Fluffy Chocolate Chip Muffins

Updated 5 Years Ago

√ Moist & Fluffy Chocolate Chip Muffins
Now ànd then I go through àn intense hàppy homemàker streàk. I'm not sure whàt it is thàt àrouses my domestic prowess, but it's in full swing! I've màde à homemàde breàkfàst every morning, ironed the kid's clothes for the week, ànd dinners àre on the tàble by 5:30. Làundry? Check! House? Spotless! Currently, I hàve homemàde elderberry syrup simmering àwày on the stove ànd yàll…I even pulled out my sewing màchine to hem up some curtàin. I know, whàt the frick right? "Hàrpo who dis womàn!?" Don't feel impressed yet though. This stàge usuàlly làsts for àbout 3-5 dàys before I cràsh ànd burn, chile. I go bàck to yelling, "We àre hàving leftovers so stop àsking me whàt's for dinners!" "Do yàll not see the làundry bàsket overflowing? Stop stuffing clothes in there ànd tàke them to the wàshing màchine!" ànd my fàvorite- "Pick these toys up off this floor! You don't hàve à màid! If I hàve to tell yàll àgàin, these toys àre going in the tràsh!" Hàhàhà! So lets' just àll enjoy this streàk while
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