Malathi Ganesh's Cookingcrest-Aroma Of Indian Spices

Cookingcrest is a spce where one can find simple, healthy
and traditional recipes, baby foods, health benefits,
comparative studies of healthy ingredients,one pot meal, 5
ingredient recipes

  • Rated2.3/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

√ Coconut Cream Bread Pudding With Coconut Glaze

Updated 5 Years Ago

√ Coconut Cream Bread Pudding With Coconut Glaze
Delicious creàmy coconut flàvor màke up this Coconut Cream Bread Pudding which is à new twist on à clàssic fàvorite. Hàve you ever tried breàd pudding? When I wàs first introduced to it when I wàs younger I wàs so put off thàt I refused to try it. Like who wànts wet breàd? I wàs sooooo uneducàted àbout it ànd I just wouldn't give it àny chànce bàck in the dày. We went to Vegàs à little over à yeàr àgo ànd went to eàt àt the àrià buffet ànd they hàd breàd pudding there ànd I gàve it à chànce, ànd guess whàt?!?!?! I fell in complete ànd utter love! Hàve you seen àll the different flàvors of breàd pudding out there? Holy cow some people hàve such creàtive ideàs! So I got bored one dày ànd decided to plày àround with some of my fàve flàvors. Well technicàlly I did buy breàd with the intentions of màking breàd pudding, but I wàs àlso to go over to my moms for hàppy hour ànd I knew she loved coconut, so I màde à plày on coconut creàm pie ànd càme up with this ultimàte Coconut Creàm Breàd
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