Malini Krishnanunni's Thoughts To Words

My blog is what is see, what i perceive, what i feel, what i
believe in and what i want. Mostly trudging through along
"my" territory.

  • Rated3.0/ 5
  • Updated 2 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Thoughts To Words

Random Thoughts
Sitting in silence listening to sounds around me I feel a rush of energy inside me. I close my eyes and try to concentrate on my breathing a......
2 Years Ago
I Stand with #MeToo
I Stand with #MeToo
Image Source: https://indianexpress.com/article/india/metoo-movement-india-5396200/ #MeToo Stories are coming out that at first ......
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The Withering Flower
The Withering Flower
Image Source 'She' born as the second gender, Oh! but why is she the second gender? Do you know? She who played with a......
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The Shunned Reality of Manual Scavengers in India
The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 defines ‘ manual scavenger ’ as: “ a person engaged o......
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Book Review - The Liberation of Sita
Book Review - The Liberation of Sita
This book, I bought it on the suggestion of Nalini Chettur of the famous "Giggles" - The Biggest Little bookshop in Chennai. I have bee......
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The Amazing GlassBlower
The Amazing GlassBlower
He heats one end of a long glass tube holding it in his hand and when it just starts to take a gluey liquid form he gently blows throug......
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