Volunteer at school - It helps you realize that your kid is a kid
I took four first graders on a field trip once. I was a parent volunteer to a class trip to the zoo. A girl and three boys were my responsi......
12 Years Ago
Games on the playground
It is the first week of school. I happened to be there in the afternoon to volunteer and while waiting I chanced upon a group of first gra......
12 Years Ago
You never know - not light reading
I had walked into Macy's for a quick return. The store was rather empty and I was happy to find a staffed checkout counter. There was jus......
12 Years Ago
Wrapping up in India - Doing right by the people that helped bring me up
I was a hungry little kid. I loved food and would end up for my second lunch in the one room house that Phulia lived in. Phulia Dai was on......
12 Years Ago
Taming of the madam
Two year ago we were waiting for our shipment of furniture to arrive in India. A ship somewhere near Mumbai dumped its cargo into the oc......
12 Years Ago
Drinking the Indian Way - Black Dog and Soda
Had written this Thursday, February 17, 2011 - somehow it never got published. Wonder if sampling for the blog had anything to do with it ......
12 Years Ago