Relationships : Akin to Jigsaw puzzles or Valency
The times that we live in are strange. The narratives suited to the world are well ingrained right from the childhood, through movies, boo......
2 Years Ago
चाय ! मैंने चाय की तासीर को बदलते देखा है। ग़ुस्से से बनायी गयी ...
4 Years Ago
Lets Travel!
Lets travel. But not the way travellers do. Or the kind sailors prefer. Not even the kind that philosophers choose to. Lets travel.......
5 Years Ago
I think...
I think… I think we, Humans, take things for granted. Things that people do for each other. Things that people do with each other......
7 Years Ago
Thursday Noons - Not yet Weekend!
Thursday noon is the most treacherous of the lot. Hanging amidst the promises of Weekend; and rigmarole of one and a half work......
7 Years Ago
Hard-liners never sit on the fences!
For reasons beyond the scope of this specific blog, I have always believed that the very genesis of intrinsic confidence is the power to......
7 Years Ago