I Was Wondering - Random Thoughts - Naba
Just a free write where I'm wondering about life and all that is happening at the moment. A post where I ramble on....
2 Years Ago
Is Diversity in the Workplace a Farce? - Random Thoughts - Naba
Is Diversity in the workplace a farce? A post where I wonder if talk of diversity is just hogwash in organizations....
2 Years Ago
Bullying | What Do You Do When a Kid Bullies Your Kid? - Random Thoughts - Naba
A post about how kids bullying other kids affects not only the bullied kids but their parents too. A post about feeling helpless as a parent....
2 Years Ago
To Write Or Not To Write - Random Thoughts - Naba
To Write Or Not To Write. Just wondering if I should keep this website or just let it go. Does anybody read blogs today>...
2 Years Ago
I\'m Weird Because | 2022 - Random Thoughts - Naba
I'm weird because post for 2022. A post where I talk about all the things that make me weird, a yearly post....
2 Years Ago
If We Were Having Wine | 2022 - Random Thoughts - Naba
If we were having wine. A post to talk about what's been on my mind....
2 Years Ago