Nitin S Nadig

Nitin S Nadig's Thinkerscap

I write mostly what i see and feel. And am trying my hand at
some fiction and poetry.

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 9 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Thinkerscap

Every one of us is different. We see the world in our own way and that is the sole reason that makes us unique. When the question of happiness arises each perceives the idea of happiness in a diffe…...
9 Years Ago
Some people make you feel special for a while but it takes true effort to make you feel special for a lifetime. My most memorable day was just yesterday. Oh! Not because it was just my birthday but…...
9 Years Ago
Peace and change
Sometimes a bold step is a much needed step. Life isn’t as easy as it seems.  You expect and then you get hurt. You love and then you get hurt again. Basically for some people it’s just pain. Lif...
9 Years Ago
Look Up
There are some moments that’s forever etched into your heart. I remember my moment when i looked up to an unbroken spirit. A stranger. Of all the thousands strangers you meet, it is a few who…...
9 Years Ago
Happy birthday love
In the darkest of times In the quietest of silence  There wasn’t another soul As mystifying as yours   For when my heart was still fluttering Yours was born Destined to soothe mine  With…...
9 Years Ago
The human side of technology : Asus Indiblogger meet
The prime focus of any technology is to connect people. And that is exactly what happened in the Asus IndiBlogger meet held at ITC Gardenia , Bangalore. This was my first Indi meet and the experien…...
9 Years Ago