Nirmala Venkat's Nailartindian

A platform to share my nail art designs, to show how to do
nail art manicures and to connect with people of similar

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Nailartindian

Mundo de unas stamping polish swatches and review
Mundo de unas stamping polish swatches and review
Mundo de Unas stamping polish swatches & Review When I first  began nail art a few months ago, I was looking for an alternative t......
8 Years Ago
Rectangle white stamper and scraper (aliexpress) cheap US $0.87 apprx INR 60
Rectangle white stamper and scraper (aliexpress) cheap US $0.87 apprx INR 60
Its been a month since I last posted on my blog, trying to juggle motherhood, my interest in nail art and updating my personal blog. I pu......
8 Years Ago
Bloomsberry remover for yellow nails
Bloomsberry remover for yellow nails
I first came across the name of this product on you tube nailz4fun video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VSRZubZz6Y.  This product ......
9 Years Ago
Ali express stamping plates and born pretty stamper
Ali express stamping plates and born pretty stamper
Anyone who wish to practice nail art but are looking for affordable nail art items, fret not aliexpress is the place, you can even buy one ......
9 Years Ago
Newspaper nail art with alcohol prep pads (for all who have had newspaper stuck to your nails :-) )
Newspaper nail art with alcohol prep pads (for all who have had newspaper stuck to your nails :-) )
                            No top coat                                                                  Â...
9 Years Ago
Bundle Monster water marble plate stamping
Bundle Monster water marble plate stamping
     So I started early today around 5:30 am, and thought I have some time to myself while my toddler is still sleeping. So w......
9 Years Ago