Nakshab Khan's Stand Against Discrimnation

stand against discrimnation, it is about fighting abot
discrimnation of any kind.

  • Rated3.1/ 5
  • Updated 10 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Stand Against Discrimnation

Will barbaric Israeli offensive achieve anything in Gaza?
Will barbaric Israeli offensive achieve anything in Gaza?
The fresh Israeli offensive in Gaza named ‘Operation Protective Shield’ has claimed at least 22 lives, including children and women, t......
10 Years Ago
Stand Against Discrimnation
Stand Against Discrimnation
Know your neta through netapedia NAKSHAB KHAN Working on the lines of  online encyclopedia-wikipedia, a group of current and former......
12 Years Ago
Stand Against Discrimnation
Stand Against Discrimnation
                 AMU tarana team and, With largest envelope of the world ...
12 Years Ago
Barbaric Israel! Stop slaughtering Palestinians
Barbaric Israel! Stop slaughtering Palestinians
Some times, I feel the world is sitting on a Powderkeg with so many conflicts in different regions of the world having potential ......
12 Years Ago
John Galliano sacked for so called anti-semitic slur
John Galliano sacked for so called anti-semitic slur
Calling someone “FUCKING JEWS”, a so-called anti-Semitic slur, lands coture honcho John Galliano, a chief designer of Paris-based brand Chr......
14 Years Ago
The ideology of extremism is the problem; Islam emphatically is not: British PM
The ideology of extremism is the problem; Islam emphatically is not: British PM
There is so much muddled thinking about this whole issue. On the one hand, those on the hard right ignore this distinction between Islam an......
14 Years Ago