Nandini Garg's Little-wonder-world

Don't sell yourself short; dare to dream. The experiences,
inferences, and how to move ahead with the hurdles that
prevail in the way.

  • Rated2.2/ 5
  • Updated 9 Years Ago

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Review: The Bestseller She Wrote
Book Name: The Bestseller She Wrote Author: Ravi Subramanian Publisher: Westland ISBN: 978-9385152382 Pages: 391 Price: INR 295 Abo......
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A toast to Chocolate!
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 53 ; the fifty-third edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we ......
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REVIEW: \"Ramayana - The Game of Life: Shattered Dreams\"
Book Name: Ramayana - The Game Of Life: Shattered Dreams (Part-II) Author: Shubha Vilas Publisher: JAICO Publishing house ISBN: 978-8......
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To be or not to be: A baffling journey!
One’s sexuality is one’s own personal choice. Nobody really holds the strings attached to it and should not be concerned really so as to ......
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Feeding mouths, fighting hunger!
Hunger, by far, is the number one case of deaths in the world. Aids, Cancer, etc follow it. There are 820 million hungry people in the worl......
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Eradication of Hunger - #BlogToFeedAChild
It was my first day at hostel back in 2006 and as soon as I entered my mess, there were so many posters and notices planted on the walls at......
10 Years Ago