Nick Mutt

Nick Mutt's Enterprise Resource Planning And Business

A comprehensive blog on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
and Business Management.

  • Rated3.0/ 5
  • Updated 14 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Enterprise Resource Planning And Business

ERP for SME - Small and Medium Enterprises
In the beginning ERP was considered out of reach by almost all the companies of SME sector and as a tool of fortune 500 companies who could ......
14 Years Ago
ERP Software Companies - SAP, Oracle, Infor and Microsoft
With growth in the popularity of ERP software more and more companies have come up with the plans of owning ERP for their organization, this......
14 Years Ago
What Is ERP - Difference Between ERP and Other Simple Software
Enterprise resource planning technically is a type of software, the only difference between ERP and other simple software is that ERP is not......
14 Years Ago
Difference Between ERP Software and CRM
Enterprise resource planning is fully integrated software that has functionality for all the core aspects of business and integrates all the......
14 Years Ago
SAP R/3 Architecture - Benefits of This Architecture
As the client-server technology became popular amongst ERP developers SAP launched its SAP R/3, in this, R stands for real time data process......
14 Years Ago
Future of Enterprise Resource Planning Software - ERP
ERP software, in the beginning were intended to provide enterprise wide solution for all business activities with single application and sin......
14 Years Ago