My Interests

  • Reading,
  • Blogging,
  • Writing,
  • Cricket,
  • People Spotting,

Nikhil Menon

From Chennai       |       Birthday February 10
About Me Born in Cochin,Menon has lived most of his life in Madras (Chennai) which he proudly calls it home.Being the average dork has never made life easy for him though being an optimist lives on with it,seeing the funny side of things. A firm believer in an educated India,he believes in CHANGE. However he does not believe in the democracy of today and is also a terrible dancer.A die hard Romantic and a foodie,Menon loves to write in his free time besides Photography,Blogging and People Spotting.

My Blog(s)

Madras Central Movies,masala,matter and loads of ME...
Last Updated on: 14 Years Ago
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The Smilin Assassin Just another blog,tumblr-ed depicting life and people around me...
Last Updated on: 6 Years Ago
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