Ice Queen
His sparkling anger Kicked my gut, Trickling tears and Churning pain, Pulled me in the whirlpool Of disdain. I closed my......
6 Years Ago
When I am lost...
Aren’t we lost, in others world? Imagination clipped, to be the acceptable one. Colored and picturesque were my dreams, The girl......
6 Years Ago
Ode to you Mushy!
We have met at unusual roads, And sparks flew. We are meant to love And be shoulders to cry; To hold each other, When the ne......
6 Years Ago
The Attraction
When the wind gushes through silts, Breaking the charms Your words instill. I know what transpires in your heart What I want, is......
6 Years Ago
The Wedding.
This is the wedding house. So everything is turbulent. From Aunties to uncles, tempers flying, everything amiss and beauty in Chaos......
8 Years Ago
Internet Abbrevations
An abbreviation is a shortened form of the word or phrase, providing ease in texting especially in twitter and SMS. So I googled up a ......
8 Years Ago