A Bosu's Oozing Thoughts

I pen down my thoughts when I am no longer able to hold them
inside me....when they want to ooze out.

  • Rated2.6/ 5
  • Updated 11 Years Ago

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Few Questions which we have to answer...
Few Questions which we have to answer...
I remember her dark, large eyes which spoke thousand words. I can still recall her cheerful laugh which greeted us whenever we visited her......
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Modernday Health care - Fight with Fate
Modernday Health care - Fight with Fate
Elated and excited, I came back from my first ultrasound sonography session which confirmed my pregnancy. I was short of words when I ......
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The Braid -Tale
School days remains etched in most of the people’s mind for assorted reasons. Assembly prayers, recess bells, bunch of friends, hawk ey......
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Rice Bran oil:   Numerous studies & articles floating throughout the internet validate the health quotient of Rice Bran edible oil. ......
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Corporate Lesson - Satin Care Saviour
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She is known as the ‘tough task master’ at her workplace. Her charismatic persona, assertive looks, 'chin-up’ attitude always coerced......
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Mid Age crave vs Shave
Mid Age crave vs Shave
This post is a part of the 'Shave or Crave' movement in association with BlogAdda.com Few call it mid-age crisis, some name it 7 ......
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