Pavan  More

Pavan More's Pavanspoems

It's my collection of my self-composed poems.

  • Rated2.2/ 5
  • Updated 4 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Pavanspoems

There will be moments.. When u feel weak.. World will be against .. And problems will be on peak. Look to your side... And i will b the......
4 Years Ago
Life make peace with me
Life make peace with me, You are running too fast, Let me walk along with you, Yesterday I was but today I'm not strong, Life stop testi......
4 Years Ago
Little by Little
One day you will lose me  Not sudden but a little by little  You’ll watch me going  But no efforts of yours will be able stop me .. Little b......
4 Years Ago
Miss you dad
Miss you dad I miss you dad, miss you very much , the laugh we had together, and your praising touch , The moments of joy, the days......
10 Years Ago
Miss you dad
Miss you dad I miss you dad, miss you very much , the laugh we had together, and your praising touch , The moments of joy, the days......
10 Years Ago
I believe
I believe I believe  I believe , that day would come , she would stand next to me , and we would walk alone Silently she wo......
10 Years Ago