Bulgars titles - kanasubigi
Kanasubigi was a title of Bulgars. This compound word consists of archaic form kana for khan and the title yabgu. Both titles were first used by the Yuezhi and Wusun, nomadic people from north-western...
7 Years Ago
The Hunno-Bulgarian language (Bulgar language)
Hunno-Bulgarian language was formed on the North-Western borders of China in the 3rd-5th c. BC; it was influenced by various languages: Turkic, Mongolian, Iranian....
7 Years Ago
Хан Кубрат
Хан Кубрат от рода Дуло е вожд на българите уногондури. През 7-ми век той обединява хуно-българските племена и ...
7 Years Ago
Issedones - ancient people of Central Asia described by Herodotus and Ptolemy. They practiced ritual cannibalism and probably were the same people as Wusun....
7 Years Ago
Arimaspi were one-eyed people who stole gold from griffins in north-eastern Scythia....
7 Years Ago
Origin of Turks
The first Turkic people identifiable in Chinese sources are a group of three peoples: Dingling, Gekun and Xinli, located north from Altai in Southern Siberia....
8 Years Ago