हम तुम और कुछ कवितायें
A blog of my hindi poems. It's where i open my heart and share my innermost feelings. Welcome to this world!...
9 Years Ago
चाँद और मैं
A Hindi poem about moon and a man, and their friendship....
10 Years Ago
ऐसे ही तुम कभी, आ जाओ ख्वाबों में
A blog of my hindi poems. It's where i open my heart and share my innermost feelings. Welcome to this world!...
10 Years Ago
हरे दुप्पट्टे कि तरह
A blog of my hindi poems. It's where i open my heart and share my innermost feelings. Welcome to this world!...
10 Years Ago
सांस मेरी थम गयी
A blog of my hindi poems. It's where i open my heart and share my innermost feelings. Welcome to this world!...
15 Years Ago
अच्छा लगता है
A blog of my hindi poems. It's where i open my heart and share my innermost feelings. Welcome to this world!...
15 Years Ago