Getting Started
For fathers managing child single-handedly during the paternal break can be difficult. However there are a few important considerations which fathers should factor as they plan to get started. 1. A…...
6 Years Ago
Becoming (of) a Latte Dad
Like many families in the city [Gurgaon], me and my wife migrated to Gurgaon for work and have a dual-career family. Post the 6 month long maternity leave, when my wife was joining back the office …...
6 Years Ago
Brief account of my experience with GoIbibo: Tale of broken processes and technical glitches
The intention of the note is to make customers aware of potential discrepancies in GoIbibo’s processes and systems which may affect the value of the ticket or refund resulting in incorrect charging...
7 Years Ago
2011 Ramblings’ Reportcard
2011 annual report for my blog Here’s an excerpt: A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. My blog was viewed about 7,400 times in 2011. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take a…...
13 Years Ago
“Two Fates” is filmy but fun
Judy Balan’s debut novel “Two Fates – The story of my divorce” is an extension of the story of “Two States – The story of my marriage” by Chetan Bhagat. The plot is about separation of t...
13 Years Ago
Shit happens, let the buck stop
There is no manual to parenting and parents always make decisions keeping the best interest of their child in mind. Their choices are half chances as everybody else’s and hence shit happens....
13 Years Ago