Pranav Bhasin

Pranav Bhasin's My Learnings In Social Media And Marketing

I write about my experiences in social media and marketing
on this blog.

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  • Updated 4 Years Ago

E-Commerce Breaking Barriers - Pranav Bhasin's Product Lens

Updated 10 Years Ago

E-Commerce Breaking Barriers - Pranav Bhasin
[Contributory article for Digital Market Asia, New Year Edition ] The year gone by, 2014, will always be remembered as the year that marked the arrival of e-commerce in India. The year was marked with some of the boldest moves by Indian and global players, astronomical valuations of e-commerce companies, strong growth of smartphones and mobile internet and heavy discounting to drive consumers to purchase online. Let’s get to some numbers first. The Indian e-commerce market, while still at a relatively nascent stage, is already worth…
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