Priya Astik

Priya Astik's An Era Bygone...

Reminiscing about our lives when they were more peaceful,
and how we, the 'instant' generation would shape the culture
of the future ones

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 12 Years Ago

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The signs of fathereadiness
You can know when the husband is desperate to be a father. Those small signals that silently scream ‘I am READY for dadhood!!’ Well, obviou......
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Feed it back!
In the corporate world that has now taken a sabbatical from me, feedback was always the ever-important term. I also give it credit for maki......
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The songs babies love
My one year old daughter S has picked up a trait from last couple of months. She will open her mouth for khichdi ‘only’ when her favor......
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Yes, I have a cook!
I don’t find cooking very interesting. Well there’s nothing in this to pop your eyeballs out, is there? Not really, but things do chang......
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An era bygone...
Come summer and grandma’s in-house production factory would kick off with alacrity. The supplies from her factory, namely pickles, a host o......
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