Nishant Kulkarni's Thinking For Change

Many startups focus on all other activities and do not focus
on sales, which is the crunical factor and hence this blog

  • Rated3.1/ 5
  • Updated 15 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Thinking For Change

Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economy???
The economic situation is apparently so grim that some experts fear we may be in for a stretch as bad as the mid seventies. Remember, during this time was when Microsoft and Apple were founded. As …...
15 Years Ago
Free Tools for your Start-up
The biggest challenge that almost all small businesses & start-ups face is FUNDS. Money being most limited resource should be allocated and spent wisely. To keep your start-up cost lower, life …...
16 Years Ago
Start-up’s never close !!!
When it comes to a startup, the luxuries shared with established companies are few and far between. Chief among them is the luxury to close at the end of the day. Big companies have the benefits of…...
16 Years Ago
Relationship with Revenue and your Job
Every sales person knows the relationship of prospecting to sales is critical. Without prospecting you are not likely to get a sale. We all know the relationship of sales to revenue growth is high.…...
16 Years Ago
Time to Reflect - Self Apprisal
During my career for  a Fortune 500 “International Logistics Company”, I had the honor to work with the most discplined manager. It was he who, taught me the imporatnce of “Self A…...
16 Years Ago
Price War - Sales in Tough Market Conditions
Price War - Sales in Tough Market Conditions
We all know that IT is no longer a luxury, it has become a business necessity. This necessity can literaly be translated if you want to be in business or not. In the current market, the emphasis on…...
16 Years Ago