Adios 2024 - Rachna Says
The year is winding to a close, and it is often the time to look back and see what goals were achieved and what wasn’t. I haven’t had new year resolutions or any specific goals at the start of any...
2 Months Ago
Turning 50 - Rachna Says
I was reading the post I wrote to myself on my 40th birthday a decade ago. And, it made me smile. The enthusiastic and passionate me is coming through so well. Well, in the decade that has gone by, so...
3 Months Ago
My Dear Coco - Rachna Says
It will be seven months tomorrow since we lost Coco, our dearest Labrador boy slightly shy of his 13th birthday. He was a senior dog, and we were sort of reconciling ourselves to his failing health. H...
4 Months Ago
You Hurt My Feelings - Rachna Says
Nah, don’t worry about it. I am not talking about someone hurting my feelings though of course that happens. I recently watched this slow dramatic slice-of-life movie named You Hurt My Feelings. It ...
4 Months Ago
Mothers and Careers - Rachna Says
I am slowly heading towards an empty nest. A couple of years down the line, the younger son will also be on his way to college. Being a parent is so hard. We try to do our best. You know the toughest ...
1 Year Ago
In the Summertime - Rachna Says
I love summer. I hate summer. Yes, these two co-exist for me. Living in Bangalore for 2 decades now, it is pretty much rainfall throughout the year barring 3-4 months. Starting from January when our...
2 Years Ago