remembering John Lenon
An artist, a poet, a dreamer, a conflicted man, a hero to so many, killed by a lunatic...remembering John Lenon
14 Years Ago
Random questions that are bothering me
· Everyone is talking endlessly on their cell phones. What did we do when we did not have cell phones? Did we not talk? Were we lone......
14 Years Ago
Social networking
I think am shy, am reasonably well behaved, so as not to poke my nose in other people's business...all this till I joined the social network......
14 Years Ago
1411 tigers
Only 1411 tigers left in India is sad....but what is truly disappointing is the campaign. Thousands of dollars wasted on a mass media campai......
14 Years Ago
The first time
At 11,000 meters above sea, over a carpet of grey and white clouds, in a sky which goes that strange smokey blue after sunset, I saw the moo......
15 Years Ago
Balle balle
Just moved to Delhi and lo and behold what do i discover in the menu of the very respectable "southhh indian" eatry....the ......Dosa palak ......
15 Years Ago