Arun Raj's The Sensitive And Philosophical Side Of A Techie Marketeer

Words were a surprise to my lay soul and the very flow of it
has inspired me to go on writing. I write to express
emotions of love, freedom and a personal spiritual journey.

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  • Updated 2 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from The Sensitive And Philosophical Side Of A Techie Marketeer

Bare it all [Poem]
Bare it all [Poem]
Bare! Bare it all, Into that long night. Like a mother, To her baby, a tiger to its prey. Fail! Fail deeper Into the deepest chasms. There, ......
2 Years Ago
Bound by Freedom [POEM]
Bound by Freedom [POEM]
...  Somewhere in the night's silence lies peace. A wayward feather drifts aimlessly in the winter breeze. 'Freedom', ......
2 Years Ago
About the Quantum Inadequacies of a fickle shimmer [POEM]
About the Quantum Inadequacies of a fickle shimmer [POEM]
A fickle shimmer of a once bright star - I  Am neither one nor zero - a quantum inadequacy. A presence so insignificant - so much so An att......
3 Years Ago
With You, Without You !
With You, Without You !
* Image Credits: http://jane-beata.deviantart.com/ ... And then there was your supple lips,   Marshmallow pink and......
9 Years Ago
With You, Without You ! [POEM]
With You, Without You ! [POEM]
* Image Credits: http://jane-beata.deviantart.com/ ... And then there was your supple lips,   Marshmallow pink and......
9 Years Ago
The Little Prince of Tinsel Town - Part 3: Prepare to Witness Madness
The Little Prince of Tinsel Town - Part 3: Prepare to Witness Madness
Continued from Part 2: Arjun the Contender ... Arya set his wooden sword back into his belt and bent down to settle himself into positi......
9 Years Ago