How to Tackle Your High Energy Toddler - Butterflies and Pebbles
Children have high energy driven by a great sense of curiosity. They are inquisitive by nature and are born explorers. Some are a little more intense, energetic and persistent than others. This can b...
6 Years Ago
Hello World!
Reminds me of the first computer program we were made to write in the ancient language PASCAL that wannabe computer geeks like me started off with. It feels so funny at how excited we were to see t…...
6 Years Ago
Boundaries and Discipline
How can parents just shrug off their responsibility of disciplining their children? PTM or the Parent Teacher Meeting is the one place which satisfies my hunger for people-watching. And this is o...
7 Years Ago
Why the increase in Juvenile Delinquency?
I am sure that each one of you is equally perplexed as I am reading and listening about the multiple incidents of juvenile delinquency including the 2012 Nirbhaya rape case and the very recent Ryan…...
7 Years Ago