28 November 2013
Yesterday I decided to start writing my daily diary again. When creating this category i thought I will share to all the people but know I write for my own read…...
11 Years Ago
Indian Jugad-II
Using Laptop’s screen light for eating food when there’s a power failure in our office…. My fellow colleagues eating lunch…...
13 Years Ago
Rush Hour
The every day site for Virar train traveller………. Place: Nallasopara Railway Station, Outskirts of Mumbai...
13 Years Ago
The “F” Indicator
God knows what the indicator try to indicate us… Place: Ghatkopar Station Mumbai...
13 Years Ago
The Gangmens
The fellow gangmens working hard...
13 Years Ago
The moon is looking beautiful behind a big tree...
13 Years Ago