Ramaa Ramesh's The Talkative Woman

Sometimes, stories are born out of a desperate need to
write. Most of my fiction is born this way. Short stories,
poetry and general rants. See how you like it.

  • Rated2.3/ 5
  • Updated 11 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from The Talkative Woman

Where do you lie? Where do you not? You are the hesitation in my step The boldness in my raised head The indented half moons on my palm when my nails dig in a shade too deep The worry in my voice T…...
11 Years Ago
The Seven Stages
The craftsman stood in front of his workshop, under the colourful banner that announced his name and profession to customers. It was a fine morning. He would create something new today, he thought.…...
11 Years Ago
The Race
He ran like a madman.Fear propelled him forward like a second pair of legs, like wings he did not know he had until they unfolded and swept him down the road. His breath came in short gasps. His fo…...
11 Years Ago
How in the world am I to focus on paying bills and the monthly EMI, on vacuuming the house and scrubbing the floors, when ahead of me in glorious abandon the wide, wide world beckons? What chance d…...
11 Years Ago
On your forehead
Beautiful. Pretty. Skinny. Ugly. Sensitive. Touchy. Painful. Talkative. Elegant. Snobbish. Weird. Bitchy. Cool. Uncool. Likeable. Irritating. Hindu. Muslim. Sikh. Christian. Brahmin. Non-Brahmin. R…...
11 Years Ago
P and Q (and me and you, and so on)
Q storms back home in a rage. “I told her she’s a bitch”, he says. “Total bitch.” What happened? “We had an argument.” Another? “I know, right! She c…...
11 Years Ago