Rana Safvi's RanaSafvi

i blog on our multi plural heritage, monuments of Delhi,
sufism, urdu sher o sukhan, food and recipes, travel,
personal experiences and ganga jamuni tehzeeb.

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  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Saber with Scabbard,grip, 18th or 19th century; guard and scabbard, 19th century; blade, dated A.H. 1099/A.D. 1688; decoration o

Updated 5 Years Ago

Saber With Scabbard,grip, 18th Or 19th Century; Guard And Scabbard, 19th Century; Blade, Dated A.H. 1099/A.D. 1688; Decoration O
Gallery Text : The most important ceremony in the inauguration of many Islamic rulers was the investiture with a sword,
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