It was 20th March 2012. I may consider that day as the worst day of my life. I had just entered my office after completing a few errands. It was around 5.30pm, time for sunset. Since the summer sea…...
12 Years Ago
Does beauty breed inferiority complex?
This article is written by my very good friend Meenakshi Vanvari. She is an HR in a reputed organization. This is her first article. I saw a poll line on a blog which read like Does beauty breed in…...
12 Years Ago
2011 in review
The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,300 times in 201…...
12 Years Ago
One mistake and she lost him…….forever!
This story revolves around a company. She joined that company and enjoyed her training period, also known as ‘honeymoon period’ in many companies. Now it was time for her to join a team and start ...
12 Years Ago
Silky, silky bal hai mere ho halla hoo
Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair – Khalil Gibran. Hair is the richest ornament of a woman, a very wise saying by Martin Luther. I â...
13 Years Ago
‘If I could, I would…’
I am thrilled to share my thoughts and feelings with our readers on the above topic. For me, it is extremely easy to think about what I want to pen down, but the very act, leaves me lost for words.…...
13 Years Ago