Riddhi sharma

Riddhi Sharma's Riddhiculous

Of things reflected through the mirror of my heart and
mind..Of eternal randomness and chaos..Of books, music,
stories, anecdotes, observations, movies, photographs .. A
world of my own

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Beware of mosquitoes all the time - they don't need a season - Riddhiculous

Updated 7 Years Ago

Beware Of Mosquitoes All The Time - They Don
A mosquito might not seem like a big and a scary insect, but it is one of the most dangerous amongst the insects of the world. Why, you may ask? Because mosquito bites are capable of spreading deadly diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and malaria. In fact, mosquitoes are responsible...
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