Randomrings has a new address
 Hey This blog has moved to Awaiting your Praises or Brickbrats there. See you soon :) P.S. – All the posts will be removed soon. Show your love at ...
8 Years Ago
What?? How??
Confused, as he always is! Unhappy, Dissatisfied! Ever demanding, Always forlorn! I don’t know why on Earth did I speak to him for the first time. Maybe because he looked like that helpless p…...
8 Years Ago
Office Humour
What makes office life bearable? Little little jokes like these… :)...
8 Years Ago
Grow up, will you?
When it comes to weird people, there are several varieties in the world – people who unnecessarily drag you to the dance floor, weird aunties wearing backless in winters, attention seekers on sociaâ...
8 Years Ago
A for…
Going from A for Apple to seeking an A for Ambition, life has turned A for awful! I don’t know if I am lazy or incapable....
8 Years Ago
One wrong choice & you’re stuck for life
Okay, so no offence to those who are too dipped in the feeling of love, who are getting married and flooding my timeline with embarrassing pictures. Oh, and those whatsapp display pictures – isn’t...
9 Years Ago