Introducing FiloDB
9 Years Ago
Introducing Window Functions in Spark SQL
This is probably the most interesting development in Spark in past few months! Introducing Window Functions in Spark SQL : 'via Blog thi......
9 Years Ago
hochgi/sbt-cassandra-plugin : This is a work in progress project. The goal is to allow launching Cassandra during tests, and test your ap......
10 Years Ago
play-yeoman 0.7.0 -
play-yeoman 0.7.0 - : This release, is a major upgrade, a long overdue one, to play-yeoman bringing the required play version ......
10 Years Ago
Unveiling the tuplejump platform (Spark Summit 2013) - Rohit Rai
Our first presentation about the tuplejump platform! Visit tuplejump site for more details! ...
11 Years Ago
tuplejump - Introducing Calliope
This has been due for long... But is finally done! My first 'official' blog posting at tuplejump! I will be posting all tuplejump news and a......
11 Years Ago