Rupesh Prabhu's Absolute Gizmos

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  • Updated 6 Years Ago

[Fixed✅] how to fix " Cannot Verify Server identity " Error in iOS 10 and above / iPhone 7 - Absolute Gizmos

Updated 6 Years Ago

[Fixed✅] How To Fix " Cannot Verify Server Identity " Error In IOS 10 And Above / IPhone 7 - Absolute Gizmos
I recently updated to iOS 10 on my iPad air and When I was browsing after the update “Cannot verify the server identity” error occurred. I was shocked I was unable to browse google.com, not even gmail and not even YouTube. I thought the error would not happen in YouTube, but unfortunately, it keeps on loading. Same happened with Google + it kept on loading. “Cannot verify the server identity” has three buttons Cancel, Details, Continue. I tried to press each of these still the issue didn’t solve Issue Can’t browse all the websites as certificate becomes outdated can’t use website [...]
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