Samir Bansal's Sambansalblog

Welcome to my mind, I write about anything

  • Rated2.7/ 5
  • Updated 6 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Sambansalblog

Horsin Around
Horsin Around
I had just watched Ghoul on netfilx and was planning to give it a review, but then writing about something already so famous gets nothing. There is so much noise already out there, adding more of t…...
6 Years Ago
Nanette, Thank You for meeting Hannah
Nanette, Thank You for meeting Hannah
If you haven’t watched Nanette, what are you even doing with your life. This is what I had been getting for a couple of weeks. And on a fateful lazy Sunday afternoon with nothing to do. I fin…...
6 Years Ago
The Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni - Book Review
The Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni - Book Review
Deeply personal novels are always fun to read, excruciatingly hidden thoughts of the brain come forth and take the centre stage. Well this one takes you on one such journey, meandering selectively …...
6 Years Ago
Newton - Likh key Dijiye
Newton - Likh key Dijiye
Newton Movie Review...
7 Years Ago
The Monsoon Lovers
The Monsoon Lovers
Soaking wet feeling cold Water dripping from my eyelids clouds had cried meeting the earth after a year long split both of them have waited  for this time  the sight of the other the craving for a â...
9 Years Ago
About Conversations, Beasts, Secrets and Ticking Time Bombs
A catchy title is the first thing that anyone will see, it can compel someone to click on it and catch a glimpse of what lies inside. I have been okay, not great, at giving rather catchy titles to …...
9 Years Ago