Santoshshinde's Testing Tricks

testing tricks is a blog related to software testing.

  • Rated3.0/ 5
  • Updated 12 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Testing Tricks

Problem with Vodafone internet access solved due to social media twitter
Problem with Vodafone internet access solved due to social media twitter
I was using Vodafone Rs 98 internet card from past 10 months. It was working good. But suddenly 10 days before I was unable to use internet......
12 Years Ago
The karate kid, courage, concentration and fight back.
One of the finest movies which I have seen. The last fight of the kid was excellent. The way he gets back is excellent. Amazing concentra......
12 Years Ago
Scan app for Qr Code reading using Android Mobile
Scan app for Qr Code reading using Android mobile. I have downloaded QR Code reading app of Scan.me in my android mobile from Google play......
12 Years Ago
Selenium RC, Junit4 for logging into linkedin.com website
Selenium RC and Junit4 for logging into linkedin.com website package tests; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; import org.junit.After; im......
12 Years Ago
clicking on different tabs of google page using xpath
Code for clicking on different tabs of Google page using Xpath package google; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; import java.util.rege......
12 Years Ago
Linkedin form filling using Selenium RC
package tests; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; class Linkedin{ public static Selenium selenium = null; ......
12 Years Ago