Sargunan Ranganathan

Sargunan Ranganathan's Sargunan Ranganathan

Falling in love you remain a child, rising in love you
mature. By and by love becomes not a relationship, it
becomes a state of your being. Not that you are in love -
Now you are love

  • Rated2.3/ 5
  • Updated 11 Months Ago

Ghee Onion Carrot Uthappam: How to cook and the one mistake I made

Updated 7 Years Ago

Ghee Onion  Carrot Uthappam: How To Cook And The One Mistake I Made
How to cook Ghee Onion Carrot Uthappam: Ingredients: Dosa Flour Onion 1 Carrot small 1 Tomato 1 Curry leaves Coriander leaves Chilli powder Garam masala Ghee
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