Shalini Jaiswal

Shalini Jaiswal's Health And Ayurveda

A Health website to share solution to any health problems
naturally using Ayurveda, herbs, Yoga etc.

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  • Updated 1 Year Ago

Food ideas for your 2-3 year old Toddlers; Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian

Updated 6 Years Ago

Food Ideas For Your 2-3 Year Old Toddlers; Vegetarian And Non-Vegetarian
2-3 year is the age when the toddler is a fussy eater! 9 out of 10 parents has the issue that their developing toddler is not eating well. Today we have some of the tasty and healthy food ideas for your 2-3 year toddlers. When a baby enters his toddlerhood, a lot of changes are there including the fooding habits and taste as well. They become a picky eater and eventually starts choosing food of their own taste and likes. Picky Eating of a toddler: Now when a kid starts developing several habits, taste buds; they like to eat the
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