
My Interests

  • Copy Writing,
  • Content Development,
  • Marketing,
  • ART,
  • Painting,

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From Kolkata       |       Birthday August 17
About Me Simply a complicated person who don't have any idea about his destination and walking just for the sake of it. By profession, I am a Marketing person with technical background. My love is painting, photography, writing and interacting with people across the social classes.

My Blog(s)

Messenger Of Nemesis This blog is created to cater a contrarian view of different social, economical and cultural events. All of these are inter related hardly can be ignored. But often we are feed with the generic form of
Last Updated on: 13 Years Ago
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CLICK! This is a photography blog. To enjoy the blog you need to visit it.
Last Updated on: 8 Years Ago
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Kolkata Walla! Kolkata Walla! This blog is for the people and culture of kolkata
Last Updated on: 8 Years Ago
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