Shekhar Lele

Shekhar Lele's Shekhar's Blog-the Power Of Simplicity

Through Power of simplicity wish to bring to notice the
simple common sense solutions to various issues in our lives
& at our organisations..

  • Rated3.0/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Shekhar's Blog-the Power Of Simplicity

A home run or an own goal?
What a hectic week it was, for all the WhatsApp groups.. Creativity flooded after one announcement made every one of us paupers (At-least notionally). No other news managed to trump the social and …...
8 Years Ago
Still not advanced enough
We are living in times where we hear about new innovations in the digital space almost every single day. Amidst these, we hear that the nuclear forces in US are still persisting with computer syste...
8 Years Ago
What’s in a name?
  This week, Twitter has been flooded with messages mocking an airline for making life inconvenient for “God” and for adding insult to injury by seeking “God’s” detail…...
9 Years Ago
Finding the middle way
The most recent post on this site talked about how the media sensationalizes a piece of news and persists with it for a period, more than required. Off late, the focus has been on the opposition or…...
9 Years Ago
“New”s paper as I want it..
Recently I read that newspapers have been in circulation for more than 3 centuries. The newspaper has evolved over the years, undergoing several changes, be it quality, quantity, coverage, etc. The…...
9 Years Ago
What’s missing ?
For the major part of my life, I have lived in a city, one of the biggest in the world and for sometime in another, one of the biggest in India itself. Off late, I have been associated with another...
10 Years Ago