
Simanti's Another Brick In The Wall

The journey of a single woman through one of the premier B
schools in India, her struggle through the corporate world,
her carefree adventures across the world, her attempts to
break free...

  • Rated1.8/ 5
  • Updated 10 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Another Brick In The Wall

The Seven Year Itch
The Seven Year Itch
Last weekend anon was in town after almost two years. We did what we usually do, i.e. she comes home, criticizes everything about my life, t......
10 Years Ago
The Wall
The Wall
This week the world celebrated the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which took me back to last year when I was in Berlin, wi......
10 Years Ago
The Corporate Fairy Tale
We all have read fairy tales as a kid right? Remember those days when your world revolved around the Cinderellas, Rapunzels, Snow Whites or ......
10 Years Ago
The Moment
Has it ever happened to you that you are in a situation, where everything is perfect and you are just sitting back, enjoying the experience,......
10 Years Ago
The Unshushables
Ever since I started living on my own, I haven’t really “celebrated” Diwali. Honestly, I have never really understood WHY I need to celebrat......
10 Years Ago
Through the Land of Lanka
Through the Land of Lanka
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but in this case, it doesn’t even begin to do justice to what I experienced over the past ten days:......
10 Years Ago