Hemant's Shoooonya

A personal blog about what I read every month and about
interesting things I come across.

  • Rated2.7/ 5
  • Updated 1 Year Ago

Recent blog posts from Shoooonya

The Elevator Pitch is an Interview Game Changer
The Elevator Pitch is an Interview Game Changer
  The concept of Elevator Pitch can help you make the most effective and efficient use of the short window of opportunity called a Job Inter......
1 Year Ago
The 3 Biggest Challenges candidates face in an Interview
The 3 Biggest Challenges candidates face in an Interview
I did a Poll on Linkedin to identify the biggest challenges that job seekers face during interviews  and the result was surprising in a way.......
1 Year Ago
Overconfidence BEFORE the interview Leads to Failure IN the Interview
Overconfidence BEFORE the interview Leads to Failure IN the Interview
  Over the years, in my job interview coaching experience and interacting with senior leaders giving as well as taking interviews, the one t......
1 Year Ago
The Journey from Impossible to Improbable to Inevitable
The Journey from Impossible to Improbable to Inevitable
  " So many of our dreams at first seem IMPOSSIBLE, Then they seem IMPROBABLE And then, when we summon the WILL, they soon become INEVITABLE......
1 Year Ago
The CIRCUS and the Sense of Wonder
The CIRCUS and the Sense of Wonder
  Do you have memories of watching a CIRCUS? It is a culmination of human as well as animal skills and of course, the clowns. ;) Over the ye......
1 Year Ago
Connecting the Dots
Connecting the Dots
  When you can help the interviewer connect the dots, you make it easier for them to evaluate you and increase the chances of your selection......
1 Year Ago