Sine qua non
In a world of ephemeral, or what we also know as MAYA(largely rooted in the Indian philosophical concept of Māyā, Maya means "illusion"), th......
7 Months Ago
It\'s a Mom\'s Thing
Cooing, cuddling, cajoling, commanding... A mother's modus operandi changes, but her love for her child does not. At a subterranean level, h......
7 Months Ago
I keep my "i" small— allowing it to sit on the rustic fence of life, inhaling the dalliance of the zephyr, the daisies, and the daffodils, k......
11 Months Ago
The Betrayal
"I have a lot of dead people in my family now. They inhabited the stories my father regaled us( my sister and I) with as we went about not......
1 Year Ago