Srikanthan Krishnamachari's Manoranjitam

Gratifying the mind , attractive, pleasant, charming ,
beautiful and what not!

  • Rated2.5/ 5
  • Updated 13 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Manoranjitam

புலவர் கீரன் சொற்பொழிவுகள் (டவுன்லோட்)
வெகுநாட்களுக்கு முன், புலவர் கீரன் சொற்பொழிவுகள் குறித்து எதேச்சையாக ஒரு...
13 Years Ago
Glorious 80s…
Glorious 80s…
Visit the post for more....
13 Years Ago
Facebook, Farmville madness
Facebook, Farmville madness
Neighbouring, gifting are all cool social networking… Farmville has its own currency system, you could buy seeds, flowers etc in their market with the Farmville coins. If you are short of coi…...
14 Years Ago
Is the thrill gone?
Is the thrill gone?
They say that blogging is dying… After reading this I thought this may well be true..  Many of my friends stopped writing anything. Only a few die-hard ones are still out there. I myself stop…...
15 Years Ago
Real phone numbers in movies
Real phone numbers in movies
I came across this news that, in the latest movie Ghajini (Hindi version of tamil movie) they had unintensionally used a real phone number. That became a calamity because after watching the movie s…...
16 Years Ago
Dr. Strangelove
I would say this is one of the best movie of all times. The way Stanley Kubrick portrayed the cold war times, with all the grotesque quirks of the two big nations and their leaders, its simply awes…...
16 Years Ago