Not the usual run story
I love running. Over the years I have toiled to get better at it and be able to call myself a legitimate runner. As most runners would t......
7 Years Ago
Behold, he cometh!
I woke up with a jolt. A distant voice, intending to be melodic but failing miserably at it was beckoning me to rise and take notice. As I......
8 Years Ago
The Bubble Wrap Syndrome
Dear friends , Image courtesy: For some time now I have been planning to write to you all but could never get ......
9 Years Ago
The football game
Source: “Would you like to go this time?" , my wife enquired from the other end of the phone. This wasn't for a tr......
10 Years Ago
When the first officer came last
As the inflight announcement commenced, I looked up in blank space, neutering the rest of my 4 senses, to get my hearing sense in overdrive......
11 Years Ago
Quit the gum
A long time ago, when I was little, life was all about enjoying sweet drinkables . One day, my mother decided to surprise me by feedin......
11 Years Ago