Pain Body
 The Pain Body Of unacknowledged wounds And inherited memory Ancient Patient Festering Muttering A dark, malevolent weight Of pain and rage Wrapped in cheery gift-wrapping And candy coloured …...
6 Years Ago
Of hankies and splicing
This, kids, is when I officially declare that I am old, antiquated and definitely don’t know what meatus means. Swear on that! Dear fellow over-forties, lend me a hanky. I wouldn’t dare ask anyo...
6 Years Ago
Writing as Therapy
I’ve been doing research for a self help book. It did not start out as a book idea. It started out as questions to fellow sufferers who were walking the same path as me. My questions were b…...
6 Years Ago
Peacock tears and other meme-worthy statements
These days we have regular schools and colleges where science, history, geography and other such endangered subjects are taught. And we have the Whatsapp University of Bigotry where rumours, mythiâ€...
6 Years Ago
I swam against the tide
. I always swam against the flow. I found it absolutely boring to follow the well worn path, competitive too. So I did things differently. And in hindsight, what followed was predictable. I hi...
6 Years Ago
Social Media and friends lists
 This morning FB informed me that I could not accept more friends since I’d reached the limit of 5000 friends. I’m cool with 5000 friends virtually so long as they are not the quarrelsome riâ€...
6 Years Ago