Subhendu Khan

Subhendu Khan's Reviewcornershelf

A platform to share own experience of reading

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  • Updated 3 Years Ago

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JASMINE builds on shifting sands by Sanjay Desai.
JASMINE builds on shifting sands by Sanjay Desai.
Title: JASMINE builds on shifting sands Author: Sanjay Desai Through Jasmine's story, this book unfolds a take of success which builds on sh......
3 Years Ago
Spice Up Your Speechifying With Light-Hearted Quotations by Rajjan Shinghal
Spice Up Your Speechifying With Light-Hearted Quotations by Rajjan Shinghal
Title: Spice Up Your Speechifying With Light-Hearted Quotations Author: Rajjan Shinghal Publisher:  zorbabooks As the name suggests, this bo......
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Revelation 22 by Anunay Kumar
Revelation 22 by Anunay Kumar
Title: Revelation 22 Author: Anunay Kumar Publisher:  zorbabooks Summary: Rudra, an agency's top performer, visits London for a new operatio......
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The Mother of all parties by Padmini Sankar
The Mother of all parties by Padmini Sankar
Title: The Mother of all parties Publisher:  harpercollinsin Author :  paddersatdubai . 'The mother of all parties' by Padmini Sankar is a d......
4 Years Ago
Love Swipe Blackmail,A gripping story
Love Swipe Blackmail,A gripping story
Title:  Love Swipe Blackmai Author:  Nitish Bhushan Love Swipe Blackmail is a story of new generation, revolves around three friends Raaj, R......
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\"That is how I became A SANYASI\". A single bold step is enough to transform your life
\"That is how I became A SANYASI\". A single bold step is enough to transform your life
"That is how I became A SANYASI" by Khemlata Negi is a heartwarming story,enlivened by a succession of emotions, aspirations, disloyalty ,c......
4 Years Ago