Sulav Shrestha's Medchrome Medical And Health Magazine

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Did You Know Too Much Handwashing Can Backfire? | MEDCHROME

Updated 5 Years Ago

Did You Know Too Much Handwashing Can Backfire? | MEDCHROME
"The cleaner everyone is, the less stimulation their immune system gets. Their immune system tends to be incomplete." – Nora Sarvetnick So, you keep your hand hygiene in check? Great. You wash your hands using Dettol hand wash before eating food and after? Perfect. You wash your hands quite often? Well done. However, do you know how much hand washing is too much? This might sound alien to you, but trust us, excess of anything is bad – even when it comes to washing your hands. Scripps Research Immunology Professor Nora Sarvetnick is right – It is good to keep a strict eye on your hand hygiene but going overboard and being a complete germophobe can prove to be harmful to your health. We are still stressing on the fact that washing hands using Dettol hand wash before and after eating and using the washroom is essential. However, excessive hand washing does more harm than good. Over sanitisation causes the body to lose its ability to build up resistance to bacteria and in return
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