Sulav Shrestha's Medchrome Medical And Health Magazine

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  • Updated 1 Year Ago

Interesting cases in Neonates : Dr Sujit Shrestha | MEDCHROME

Updated 5 Years Ago

Interesting Cases In Neonates : Dr Sujit Shrestha | MEDCHROME
1. Sepsis presenting with Diabetic Ketoacidosis like feature in Preterm neonate A thriving preterm neonate had new onset sepsis with off color skin and poor feed tolerance. A work up for sepsis was sent and antibiotics were upgraded to 2nd line agents. Inotrope was added for tachycardia with poor perfusion. By evening, there was polyuria with >8ml/kg/hr of urine. We checked our list for any drugs and checked RBS- it was high, so GIR was decreased. By night, baby developed acidotic breathing with severe metabolic acidosis with high blood sugar and urine sugar + ketone +. Fluid corrections were started, and was managed with Infusion of Insulin. Over next 12-24 hours the blood sugar came down to < 150mg/dl. Insulin was stopped and there were no further episodes of hyperglycemia. HbA1c was normal. Baby did well with normal Head scans. The most interesting thing was the Blood sugar in this baby reached upto 1500mg/dl with ABG ph- 6.9 and HCO3 upto 4meQ/L. 2. Infective
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