Suman Lalit Pandit's Suman Pandit

This is a blog from Suman Pandit which features articles
ranging from sports, technology, music, social issues,
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  • Rated3.1/ 5
  • Updated 8 Months Ago

Changing Education Paradigms

Updated 8 Years Ago

Changing Education Paradigms
We must recognise that young people are individuals with different talents and dreams. As such, not all children learn in the same way. We need to move towards a system of mass customisation, based on a strong common core of essential skills and knowledge, which allows young people to develop their own particular talents and aspirations. We must support young people in discovering what they enjoy and are good at - and who they want to be in life. And we must encourage and support teachers and schools in responding to these different needs. Young people will learn if they see learning as important, meaningful and worthwhile.
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