INDIAN LANGUAGES The languages spoken in India belong to the four main families of (a) Austric (Nishada), (b) Dravidian (Dravida), (c) Si......
15 Years Ago
LANGUAGE Language is a form of communication through the use of speech, a collection of sounds that are understood by a group of people to......
15 Years Ago
Percentage of Child Population in the Age Group 0-6 to Total Population
Percentage of Child Population in the Age Group 0-6 to Total Population - At the national level among all religions, the proportion of chil......
15 Years Ago
RELIGIOUS GROUPS OF INDIA According to Census 2001, at the national level, of 1028 million population, 828 million (80.5 per cent) have r......
15 Years Ago
RELIGION The origin of religion probably lay in the human response to environment and natural phenomena. A need was felt to propitiate spi......
15 Years Ago
Scheduled Tribes : Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and other states
Uttaranchal 1. Bhotia 2. Buksa 3. Jannsari 4. Raji 5. Thar Uttar Pradesh (Most of these tribes are now in Uttaranchal.) 1. Bhotia 2. Buks......
15 Years Ago